This is all you get!!


I have been sitting on this chair for an hour now trying to do what all of you do in five minutes!! I have not posted any pictures, added any music, written a poem or a novel, created a kit or finished this new post.............yet! I have tried to leave a comment to each of you and was successful except for Brandi. This darn computer would not let me accomplish my mission for today. So Brandi if you want to read what I commented to you, you will have to go to Chantri's blog.
I am now worn out from blogging, grandpa is wondering if I left him for this new adventure in my life, and I am reading the best book right now and have to go finish at least one more chapter. Tomorrow I will be wise and fresh and more alert I am sure. Tomorrow I will venture out and post something that is exciting, and worth while. I am planning to clean out some closets! That ought to be worth telling you all about don't you think! Can you tell I have been snowed in too long? I plan on leaving the house for sure tomorrow.
I tried to remove some of the thoughts I had posted from instructions I had been given but that didn't work either. However I was able to change my thought for the day and it is worth reading cause I didn't write it!! Tomorrow has got to be a better blogging day don't you think?
This is the laughter part of my sentimental journey. I'm even laughing!


Jonna said... are wonderful, delightful, a breath of fresh air.
Love you blog!
Go to my blog, and click on Chocolate creek. Scroll to the bottom and read the introduction, then the First chapter, then the
2nd chapter last. Let me know what you think. I will post the
3rd chapter soon.
Love you, Jonna

Unknown said...

Hey Grams!!! your better than me. I love reading your blog. Hopefully I can get something posted on mine soon. How's the temple been. My Mom said you have been going a lot lately! Well luv ya tons! Tell grandpa Hello!

Brandi said...

Oh Grandma... you are so cute! I love that you are trying, and I want you to know that it is very much appreciated!!! We have been snowed in as well, as you can see... I also am going crazy. Hope the temple was wonderful, and that you and Grandpa had a great time together. Love you so much, and am so happy that you are trying this whole blogging thing.

Chantri said...

Thanks goodness there is blogging to help keep us sane with all this crazy weather we have been having. It is so windy here right now that we have about 3 foot drifts in our driveway. uggg. Can't winter be over?
Hope you got a lot done today Grams. I need to clean closets out too! Especially Boston's since she has grown out of another set of clothes! Love you tons.

Brittany said...

Aunt Connie you're doing great at the blogging thing!! I love reading whatever you write! I love your new thought as well! You lift my spirits!

Danielle and Brian said...

ha ha ha Grams you crack me up! seriously Im at work right now laughing my guts out! If only I had more of a sense of humor like yourself...Perhaps that comes in later years..Not saying that you are old because you are young and HIP if I might add!! haha I love you keep up that good work for your blog..Because I have been slacking you might have to post more for the both of us!! :)

Jonna said...

Waiting for more Mom!