Today has been a spiritual day all by myself. Grandpa left to help Danny in the hayfield so I have been preparing my lesson for Relief Society. Prayer really is the soul's sincere desire! I really poured my heart out to the Lord to help me know what I was to glean from this lesson and then give to the sisters in our ward. I have been able to talk out loud to myself, cry out loud, ponder out loud and pray out loud. My season of life has its blessings. All this talking out loud stuff is ok when you are my age!
I have been on this blooming computer all day long and my eyes have stopped working. But I have been in touch will all of you as I have read your blogs. That is going to have to do however for this day because I'm just plain tired. Besides that, I have forgotten how to comment.!
Just know that I love each and every one of you and that maybe in time I will be ever so creative and write something worth reading.
Love, Mom, Grandma and Aunt Connie
Spending time with all of you
Posted by Jon/Con at 5:24 PM 3 comments
My New Goal!
I am de-junking! I started today. I threw things away that have been under my sink in the bathroom that I didn't even know was under there. I put it in the garbage sack, walked right to the can outside and threw it in. I never looked back (well once, and I took out a basket that was too cute to throw away) and walked back into the house. I promised myself that I would clean out one drawer or cupboard each day that I am home and throw things away no matter what. Unless I run into a basket that is too cute to throw away!!
The next time anyone comes to my home there will be empty cupboards, drawers, and closets. You will be able to move in with us because there will be so much room. The reason for that is I am de-junking! When my husband finds out what I am doing he will go into panic mode because he will of course think that I will want to replace everything that I am throwing away.
Now, I have tried this de-junking before and have found that the first few cupboards, drawers, and closets that I clean, I throw away almost everything that is 10 or 15 years old. I am so very proud of myself. As time marches on I seem to find it harder and harder to throw things away. Why is that I ask myself. Self-- why do you do that? And I answer myself. Self --That is just too cute to throw away. Self-- you may loose enough weight to get back into that cute dress. Self--what if you decide to change the color in that room, why, that would really look cute.
This however is the year that I am going to be strong, I am de-junking. I have decided I will just eat more and that way I can throw away that cute dress! I will choose a color for the room that that thing will not go with. I am so strong at this point that I may even go throw that basket away that I took back out of the garbage can this morning.
Why am I kidding myself. If I throw away or just give away half of what I take out of my drawers, cupboards and closets I will have accomplished something. Right??
Well that is my goal for the next few months. And I say to myself, Self--You can do this. I know you can. You are strong. You are motivated. You must, because there ain't no more room in those drawers, cupboards and closets!!
Now, I have another goal too. I am going to try this blogging again. I said to myself, Self-- you can do this. I know you can, You are strong. You are motivated. You must, because your blog is going to go away if you don't use it and I haven't the foggy-ist idea how to get it to come back.
Wouldn't it be just geat if the stuff in my drawers, cupboards and closets would just go away because I wasn't using it and I had no idea how to get it back??
Posted by Jon/Con at 6:23 PM 4 comments