We have Returned!


Oh how I wish I had the strength to work in the temple everyday! We have had two glorious days (Tuesday and Wednesday) where the world was shut out. Even though our responsibilities put some stress on us both, their is such peace and satisfaction felt no where else. I have been thinking about starting a journal about special experiences we have been privileged to witness before they are erased from my mind. Believe me that doesn't take long anymore!

Not only do we love serving in the temple, we love the people who we serve with. They have become like family. It's like we have known them all our lives. Maybe it is because we are all striving for the same things in life. We all want harmony and peace with our families. We want to have an eternal family and have everyone present. Nobody left out ! While we are in that "holy place" it all seems possible.

Just so all of you know, your names are placed on the prayer roll every two weeks. We have that privilege as temple workers. I personally need all the prayers I can get and thought maybe each of you could as well!

Somewhere out there....................................is the real us Jonna. I think I will have to put all those thoughts in what is called my personal journal. When I'm gone all of you can read it and it will be the real thing! My mom always said that there comes a time in our lives when we can say exactly what we think. I haven't arrived yet!

Keep those posts and comments coming, knowing that we love each of you. I really need to get 'real' now and vaccum and dust and clean bathrooms and etc. If I play my cards right grandpa will probably help me, and that's the real truth! He is sure going to make somebody a good wife when I'm gone, and by the way I am going first!!


Jonna said...

Oh Mom....I've waited 2 days for your next post! Again, I am so proud of you! I know that whatever you and (DAD) write on your blog, will be cherished for years to come. Thanks again, for doing this. I need all the help I can get also, so thanks for adding us to the prayer circle. It means a lot to us. Dad....I'm waiting for your wisdom as well!! I know you can type. How about me starting a blog for you? I can do that you know. I will name your blog...."I liked plain email, but I will do this for my daughter!" That would be a great title for your blog!!! (laugh, laugh,)
*I added recipes to the Bon Appetit blog...check it out. Chant sent you an email, about linking yourself. That way you can also leave us some of your favorites. Thanks again....you've made my day.
Love you, Jonna

Jonna said...

Oh yeah....Did you notice the beautiful picture I snuck in!
What a good-looking couple.

Brandi said...

Oh Grandma... thanks so much for thinking of all of us on the prayer list. I love being in the temple, the way you can almost feel Heavenly Fathers arms around you if you need a hug. It makes me sad to addmit to myself and others that I don't take the opportunity to be there enough. That has been one of my goals to attemd more often, and not let worldly excusses come in the way. My mom is just like you, I can see so much of her just in your words. I love to hear you advise, and thoughts. Thanks so much for doing this like mom said, I will cherish these words for a long time to come.

Jon/Con said...

Oh yes I did notice the picture you snuck in! We won't mention how I have aged since that was taken! Your Dad says, "I liked it the way it was." I am still trying to send a comment. I think I am going to call you to find out how it is done, but here goes nothing!!

Brooke said...

Aunt Connie...I just LOVE your blog. I think it is great that you guys are doing one! So fun to read. Everytime Brad and I go the temple I always hope that I'll see you and Uncle Jon and Aunt Glenna. It's been fun the couple times we have! We'll just have to start going on Tuesdays or Wednesdays! My mom and dad just got to have a meeting with the temple presidency and stake presidents and their wifes and they loved President Watts. Brad knows him pretty well and thinks the world of him too. He is in our stake and has spoken the last few times at Stake Conference. He is an amazing man with a special special spirit...and Sister Watts too. I can easily imagine how the people you work with feel like family...maybe how it will feel when we are in heaven :-) That's what I think everytime I go to the temple! I sure love you guys. Hope to see you soon!


Brittany said...

I second and third the "I love your blog" statement! I am sitting in the Library at school and feeling very overwhelmed at what is before me, so I decided that I would take a wee little break for a quick minute, reading your blog definately lifted my spirits! Thanks for putting things back into perspective! There is nothing more inviting and wonderful to me than being in the Temple! Sure love you!
